This morning Jeff, Samantha and I got up at like 10 AM and met up with Katie, Becky, Lisa and Michael Moxley for breakfast at Tim Horton's. Then we all went back to our rooms and just hung out until it was time to get ready. I showered then Jeff and I bathed Samantha in the hotel bathtub...quite the adventure! Then Jeff took a shower and I met up with the girls. At 3 PM we started taking pictures with the photographer. Then a stretch limo picked us up and took us to the church. The ceremony was really nice although Susie had a hard time getting Chris's ring on... a good laugh for all of us! Then the limo took the whole wedding party to a near by park for pictures....complete with champagne! Then we were off to the reception. We were announced as we walked into the reception and had to dance up to the head table...I am a terrible dancer these days. Jeff and Michael were there with Samantha...those two make quite the pair. The reception was really fun. We got to dance and I even had Samantha up there on the dance floor. Jeff, Michael and I left with Samantha at 12:30 AM! Congrats to the beautiful bride and groom!
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