I have been spending a lot of one on one time with Samantha the last few days so Lauren can really enjoy her time with her friends. I love spending time with Samantha and yesterday we had a good time. I took all the girls to the spa and when Samantha and I returned, she was not happy at all. She had eaten about an hour ago and didn't need a diaper change so I wasn't quite sure what was wrong. After many different attempts to make her happy, I finally gave her a bottle and she passed out. Michael (one of Laurens friends boyfriend), Samantha and myself decided to go explore downtown Toronto. We went to the CN tower first but they had an hour wait and I wasn't sure when Lauren would need me to pick her up so we decided to go on a boat tour of the harbour instead. Sam slept through most of the trek to the waterfront area while I received one heck of a workout! There were no ramps so I carried her in her stroller up, down, around multiple flights of stairs and up and over a bridge. We finally got on the boat. She slept through the first 15 mins of the 45 min ride. When she woke up, not too happy. I took her below deck, managed to change her diaper in a bathroom so small you couldn't turn around in. Finished the boat ride below deck with her. Around 2pm we left to go get Lauren from the spa. Toronto traffic is awful and it took us about an hour to travel about 15 miles. Mind you, this is 3pm on a Thursday!! Samantha screamed the whole way. I felt really bad. She needed to eat and I didn't anticipate being stuck in traffic so long.
We picked up Lauren and returned to the hotel. Samantha ate and was content. We all got ready for the rehearsal and got to the church around 5:45. Samantha managed to puke all over Laurens friend Becky, myself and dropped a huge load right in the church. We then went to dinner and all night Sam was just out of sorts. Never really happy, didn't sleep much and just seemed pissed to be in Canada. Got back to hotel and we all went down to the pool. It was loud, hot and Sam just wasn't having it. She had slept very little through out the day so we knew she was just exhausted but it's hard to get comfortable when you're constantly being moved around. I brought Samantha back up to the room and she was out for the count in about 10 mins. She slept from 10pm to 4am, then ate at 4 and slept again until 8am this morning. So far today, she has been pretty good. Slight meltdown during our breakfast at Tim Horton's but she ate and is now on the bed just looking around.
I have already started to pack all of our stuff up so we can hit the road bright and early tomorrow. I am ready to get out of this place!!!
We picked up Lauren and returned to the hotel. Samantha ate and was content. We all got ready for the rehearsal and got to the church around 5:45. Samantha managed to puke all over Laurens friend Becky, myself and dropped a huge load right in the church. We then went to dinner and all night Sam was just out of sorts. Never really happy, didn't sleep much and just seemed pissed to be in Canada. Got back to hotel and we all went down to the pool. It was loud, hot and Sam just wasn't having it. She had slept very little through out the day so we knew she was just exhausted but it's hard to get comfortable when you're constantly being moved around. I brought Samantha back up to the room and she was out for the count in about 10 mins. She slept from 10pm to 4am, then ate at 4 and slept again until 8am this morning. So far today, she has been pretty good. Slight meltdown during our breakfast at Tim Horton's but she ate and is now on the bed just looking around.
I have already started to pack all of our stuff up so we can hit the road bright and early tomorrow. I am ready to get out of this place!!!
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