Today, Samantha and I babysat Grady for a few hours so Nick and Mandy could go see a movie! It made me rethink wanting to have another baby already! No really, they are easy babies to have together. It is amazing what all Grady can understand. He was having a snack in the high chair and he started to stand up so I asked him to put his feet down and he knew just what to do! I said, put your cup in your cup holder and he knew just what to do. It will be fun to be able to communicate with Samantha some day.
Grady wanted to hold, hug or kiss Samantha for most of the time he was here, which is totally cute! Although he did not like it when I nursed her...he stood at my feet telling Samantha "NO" the entire time she was eating. I think that Grady and Samantha will be great friends. There was one point when Grady was holding Samantha, with my assistance, and she was just staring at him and laughing! She loved watching him walk around, he was great entertainment for her.
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