(Smiling and laughing at her VERY exciting toys!)

(Samantha was able to grab hold of her toy!)
Samantha continues to amaze us with her progress. She was able to reach up and grab one of her toys today. While to many this may not seem like a big deal; it is for us.
Last night was a pretty good sleeping night for her as she continues to improve in that area. I attempt to take care of her on the weekend so Lauren can get some solid sleep. We put Samantha to bed around 9:30 but that didn't take. We brought her to bed with us and just talked and played with her. She fell asleep sometime between 9:30-10pm. Lauren put her in her crib. She slept straight through until a little after 5am. I got up, changed her and fed her a bottle of breast milk that Lauren pumped earlier in the evening. Sam being the "chunky monkey" that she is, wanted more. So, I came down and made her a bottle. She polished off about 3 oz in a flash. Burped a couple times and was back to bed. She slept soundly until 9am when we woke her up. She had a dirty diaper and while we were in the process of changing her she managed to release the hounds and pee everywhere, laughing through the whole thing.
We went to church today with my parents as it was homecoming Sunday. Our beautiful baby was for sure the main attraction. Many of my extended family and people I attended church with growing up had never seen her in person. And of course everyone thought she was very beautiful.
Tomorrow begins another work week and it is really hard to leave Lauren and Samantha. I miss them so much while I am away and find myself more than ever not being able to wait to get home.
This cooler weather we have had this weekend has really made me excited for fall. I hope Samantha loves that time of year as much as I do. I cannot wait to play in the leaves with her, get her dressed up for Halloween and get her game day gear on for OSU Saturday's. So much fun to come...