Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Just Samantha and I...

I know we have done a poor job lately keeping up the blog. We are sorry. I think part of the challenge is Samantha just does not stand around and pose anymore; she is always into something.

Lauren had to leave early this morning for an overnight business trip. It has just been Samantha and me and I truly do love my daughter more everyday. I was just telling a co-worker today that she is the most fun she has ever been and I love seeing her doing something new each day. Regardless of it being a new word, new face or new dance move; she really is fun to hang out with.

The picture below is the "Good Morning Mommy" picture I sent to Lauren this morning. I asked Samantha where she wanted her Mommy to kiss her and that is where she pointed. (That isn't really what happened but it sounded nice)

A few weeks ago, we got in the habit of always playing a DVD while in my truck. However we have been trying to break that habit as we dont want Samantha to get hooked. Tonight when I picked her up, she said Elmo and I knew she was tired and I just wanted her to enjoy the ride home. She is loving her some "Elmo's Riding..."

We got home, had a quick dinner and she was beat. With Lauren being gone, Samantha was at the sitter for almost 11 hours and doesnt nap well there. She got a new diaper, got into some comfy pajamas and 3 books later she was out at 6:40pm! My angel will surely sleep well tonight.

Hurry home Mommy...your family misses you!!

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