Sunday, January 30, 2011

This morning, when Samantha got up, she was in a great mood! She has just been so much fun lately! Jeff and I have just loved spending time with her and soaking her up!

We had a meeting after church so we got home a little later than normal. By the time we got her home and in bed she passed right out. At 4, Jeff finally woke her up. But I am not sure that she was totally ready to meet the day. It took her about 20 minutes to fully wake up.

We ended up going to Eastland Mall for a little bit. (My friends from work call this the "Local Mall") And in the last few years a lot of the big chain stores have left, but there are still a few of the anchor's...Sears, JC Penny's, Bath and Body Works, etc. At one end of the mall there is a small section of ride on cars that Samantha loved!

This one was a simulation of a roller coaster.

And a school bus...

Then at the other end of the Mall there was a soft play area for kids. Mostly everything is foam covered and Samantha loved it!

She even made a new friend!

I hope she will learn how to tell time better than I did.

Making all the other kids wait until she goes down the slide.

Poking her head out of a hole in the tree!

Checking herself out in the mirror.
Again, by the time we got home from our shopping trip, she was ready to hit the hay.

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