Thursday, December 16, 2010

Samantha's 18 Month Check Up

This snowy morning I had to take Samantha to her 18 month check up. And she was in a wonderful mood! She had a blast checking out her naked self in the mirror.

This would have been a really cute picture if I would have gotten her whole head in the shot.

Lifting the weight of the world.

Pointing to the cutest baby in the world!

Today Samantha got two shots, The Regular old Flu Shot and Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (DTaP). She didn't like them at all, but she only cried for a few minutes.
Here are her stats....
Weight: 26 lbs, 9 oz. (75%)
Height: 32 inches (60%)
Head Circ.: 19.25 inches (95%)

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