Sunday, December 26, 2010

Because of all the books...

Samantha got alot of books for Christmas (and she already had a lot to begin with). So after church today we went and bought her this bookcase for her bedroom. We spent our afternoon putting this together so she would be surprised when she woke up from her nap. She loves picking out her bedtime books for daddy to has become a bedtime tradition.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Evening

After we left The Hauser's we went over to my mom's house. The kids were all spoiled rotten (that includes Nick, Mandy, Jeff and myself.) Again the kids all gravitated to Grady's train set.

She was more in to all the boys toys...

She found a pen and magazine and hopped right up into the chair to "color". Maybe I will have a little artist on my hands!

Towards the end of our night Jeff had to practically tackle Samantha just to get her into her pajamas! She just didn't want to take any time out of playing. On our way she home she fell asleep in the car and we put right in bed when we got home. But after about 30 minutes in her crib talking we got her back out and opened/put together all her toys and we played for like 2 hours. It was so much fun getting to watch the excitement on her face as she discovered something new.
I am guessing that Christmas will be even more fun in the years to come as Samantha become more aware of Santa and Christmas! I cannot wait!

Christmas Afternoon

Right when we walked in the door to Jim and Lib's we put Samantha down for a nap. She was really tired and it worked out well that we were the first one's there so that Samantha didn't know there was fun going on while she was supposed to be sleeping. She only slept for a little over an hour but it was enough to get her going again. She REALLY loved opening her presents. As you can see she had no problem tearing right in.

Still working on her first present.

On to the next...

Miss Katie surrounded by a mountain of presents!

Tonia...wishing I wasn't taking her picture ;)

My cute husband...

Christmas Morning

This morning we got up and went right over to Nick and Mandy's. We alternate hosting Christmas morning brunch with Dad every year and this year was their turn. It was so nice just waking up and having a wonderful breakfast already made for you. Monkey Bread is part of this tradition and we had it this year, but it was supplemented with French Toast casserole...Delicious!!! Santa brought Grady a new Thomas the Train train set and Samantha had a lot of fun watching him play. At one point Mandy walked in to check on the kids and Grady said to Mandy, "You hold Samantha." HAHA He did not want her messing up his train set! Around 11 AM we packed up and headed over to the Hauser's for round 2!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve

Tonight we went to my mom's for her annual Christmas Eve party. As always, we had to wear a goofy hat and get our pictures taken...First up: Mandy, Chase, Nick and Grady!

Then my little family!

Tara and Nebbie!

Uncle Charlie and Cindy.

Uncle Larry and Aunt Vikki.

Mom and Scotty Do.

And last but not least, Samantha wanted in on the action!

A sweet moment...

Grady and Samantha rocking away!

If this wasn't blurry, this would be cute!

Grady and Gram playing!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hensley Family Christmas

My good morning Mommy picture!

Tonight we went to the South Columbus Freewill Baptist church for the Hensley Family Christmas party. Samantha had gotten a great afternoon nap before we went and was in a wonderful mood!

Pa and Granny opening all their Christmas gifts.

Mommy and Baby.

Samantha loves "Ring around the Rosey" and I heard Summer and Mia playing in the kitchen. So I ran Samantha over there to see if she could play too and the girls let her right in. She had so much fun singing and dancing with the little girls.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hauser Family Christmas in Marysville

(L-R: Jake, Joe, Jillian, Katie, Austin, Matt, Jessica and Samantha)

Today we went to Aunt Becky and Uncle Pete's house in Marysville to have an early Christmas Party. Samantha had a great time playing with all the kids and Jeff and I had a blast eating to a point somewhere beyond being stuffed!

Merry (early) Christmas!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Samantha's 18 Month Check Up

This snowy morning I had to take Samantha to her 18 month check up. And she was in a wonderful mood! She had a blast checking out her naked self in the mirror.

This would have been a really cute picture if I would have gotten her whole head in the shot.

Lifting the weight of the world.

Pointing to the cutest baby in the world!

Today Samantha got two shots, The Regular old Flu Shot and Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (DTaP). She didn't like them at all, but she only cried for a few minutes.
Here are her stats....
Weight: 26 lbs, 9 oz. (75%)
Height: 32 inches (60%)
Head Circ.: 19.25 inches (95%)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our Christmas Tree is up!

Last year we did not put up a Christmas Tree because we were selling and showing our house, so I was really excited to get it up this year! When Samantha woke up from her nap she walked into the living room and was in awe of the tree!

A close up of my cute baby.

Jeff was in charge of putting the ornaments on the tree and tried to keep them out of Samantha's reach. But she managed to get one off fairly quickly!

Daddy and Samantha looking at the ornaments.

Enjoying the joy in my baby's face as she explores the Christmas Tree!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Our Saturday Project

Today Jeff and I went to Home Depot to get the supplies to build a dog shed of sorts. We wanted to have something to protect the dogs a little more than just their dog houses to keep them warm this winter. We even built it big enough for Sam (my mom's dog) to have a place in the shed when he comes to stay with us. We are still going to paint it and add shingles to the roof. And I am thinking about putting some plastic across the front so the wind will not get in there so much. I know, I am too good to my dogs!

This evening we took Samantha to my In-Laws so they could babysit for us. We went to the Smith's Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. (Darin took some pictures so hopefully I will be able to post them soon.) We had a blast hanging out and doing crafts! Thank you Darin and Kerry!!!