Sunday, November 7, 2010

The past few weeks.

I know I have been terrible about blogging the past couple weeks. But just let me tell you that there have not been many oppurtunities for cute pictures lately. Samantha is getting 4 new teeth...the canines....and she has been generally unhappy about it. Plus she has had a sniffly nose and cough. And with my new work schedule (4 Ten hour shifts) her schedule is a little off. Not to mention she is getting a mind of her own and wants to do EVERYTHING put on chapstick (getting most of it on her teeth)! I am thinking that if this is just the start of the "terrible twos" then I am going to be in for a real treat. And I am pretty sure that my parents are secretly delighting in the fact that I am getting just a taste of what I did to them as a child!

I don't want to imply that the past couple weeks have been awful because they haven't been. I mean she will be acting terrible and then walk over to me and give me a big hug and a kiss. Or she will hop up on my lap and snuggle into me. Or she will bring me her milk and put it up to my mouth to share. So I know that my sweet little girl is still in there somewhere!

Right now, all I care about is Samantha feeling better and all those teeth being in already. Then I will be able to do fun things with her again! And hopefully get some cute pictures to post!

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