Friday, October 1, 2010

More from our Friday Adventures!

After our morning adventures Samantha took a really long nap. She slept for over 3 hours and I thought she would be starving when she woke up. And since I love being outside I took her to McDonald's so that we could play in the play place once she was done. (Yes, that is a whole handful of fries, although she hardly ate anything at all.)

She loved climbing up and down the stairs.

Sitting in the Space Ship...and yes, I had to climb all the way in with her to get these pic's...and make sure she was safe of course!

Driving the space ship.

When we got home I brought both my girls out front to play. Maggie is actually a really good dog and doesn't run off or bark all day. And like I said before I am trying to show Samantha there is not reason to be scared of animals and bring the dogs around her more. After a couple minutes she was fine with Maggie and even petted her a few times.

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