Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another day of testing at Childrens.

Today I took Samantha back to Children's for a follow up Ultrasound from her surgery. I left work at 9:30 AM to pick Samantha back up from the babysitter. We headed downtown and ended up being a little early, so we spent a little bit of time just playing in the waiting room.

She loved taking the lid off her sippy cup then putting it right back on.

Here she was getting ready for her ultrasound. She screamed thru the whole thing! Then we went up to Dr. J's office so we could go over the results. He said there was more swelling than he would like to see but it could be still healing which could be the cause. Or there could be a secondary blockage. So we have to go back for another ultrasound and Nuclear Medicine Ultrasound at the end of October. Not exactly what I wanted to hear but not bad either. My fingers and toes are crossed that everything will turn out ok and that she will not need another surgery.

We left around 12:45 PM and she fell asleep as soon as she got buckled in.

Tonight after bathtime she was running around the house, sucking her thumb, and having a blast.
Talk about multi-tasking...clapping and running!

I think she might be peeing or she could just be peaking down at her mama!

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