Wednesday, July 7, 2010

From the last few days...

I was off work on Monday for the holiday so I got Samantha all dressed up and lookin' cute and we went to lunch with Mom and Ruth. Samantha has gotten to the point where I have to order her something off the menu, a banana and a cup of milk isn't cutting it, so I got her mac-n-cheese and baked apples. It was her first time eating baked apples and like EVERYTHING else in the wonderful world of food...she loved them.

I love getting these full body poses of her but as soon as I walk away to get the picture she starts walking towards me. So this was this the best I could get...

I was off work on Tuesday too, like normal, and I wanted to find plates to hang on the wall next to our Paris picture. I had gone to the thrift store to find some but that didn't turn up well so I went to Marshalls and found some really great ones and only spent $17! Then when I got home I cleaned the plates and hot glued ribbon to the back to hang them far none have fallen down.

Today I took Samantha to my mom's to go swimming. I had gone to Old Navy this morning to find a swimsuit t-shirt since my baby has been getting a tan despite my multiple applications of SPF 50. But they only had them in little girl this shirt should theoretically fit like a 5 year old...but worked.

Mandy and the boys joined us at the pool and Samantha had a good time playing with Grady!

Tonight Samantha was starting to wear out for the night so I gave her a pillow to play with on the floor and she promptly put her head down...our cue it's bedtime!

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