Saturday, July 3, 2010

4th of July Parade


Today was the annual 4th of July parade in Gahanna. Since we live so close to the parade route a group of us met here to walk over. Since I was anticipating this occasion I went ahead and put Samantha's new wagon together yesterday. (Too bad half way thru one of the wheels fell off!)

Samantha really enjoyed all the excitement of the parade. She got to eat lots of candy and popsicles! She had her daddy covered in sugary drool by the end of the parade!

It is getting hard these days to get a shot of Samantha being still. That is why this one is so off center. Sorry Jeff!

Samantha was relaxing in her new wagon waiting for the parade to start. This is the wagon she got from her Mawmaw and Pawpaw for her birthday and she LOVES it!

Even Sylvie and Amanda joined us! Here are two really cute patriotic little girls!

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