Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jenny and Doug Hauser!

(Samantha playing with Pawpaw's face!)
(Mawmaw and Samantha.)

(Sleepy girl...)

Jeff and Samantha went to Jenny and Doug Hauser's wedding on Saturday...11/7/09. Since I had to work I couldn't go. Jeff and Samantha were picked up at 10:30 AM by Mawmaw and PawPaw and did not get home until almost 11:00 PM!!! I was worried that Samantha might be a handful b/c she is teething and not as happy as she normally is, but Jeff said she did pretty good. He did miss the whole ceremony though b/c Samantha was "talking" a lot! So Congrats to the New Bride and Groom. Hopefully someone will send me a picture so I can add one on the blog!

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