Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Gobble Gobble

(The whole Hauser / Hensley Clan.)
(Miss Samantha in her Thanksgiving Day gear. What you can't see is the Turkey on her booty!)

(Chase and Samantha on their First Thanksgiving ever!)

Today I was able to sleep in a bit since Jeff was home. Once I finally got up Jeff and I had cinnamon rolls and watched a little t.v. before we got ready for our first Thanksgiving Day feast. We went to the Hauser/Hensley family meal at 12:30 and were able to stay and visit until about 2 PM. Then we went over to Nick and Mandy's for our second meal of the day. It was so nice getting to spend some time with both sides of the family since I am normally working or sleeping during most family events. But, like normal, I had to leave at 3:30 PM to be at work by 4 PM. Although I am still blessed to be able to spend as much time as I did with my family. This year especially there is a lot to be thankful for. My husband and daughter are an amazing blessing and I wouldn't be who I am today without them! Today I am most thankful for my family, all of you! And thankful for those that have been "adopted" as my extended family.

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