Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Can life really get any better...?

First, Lauren's blog yesterday absolutely blew me away! I am man enough to admit that I cried like a baby when I read it. Every time I think God has bestowed a life's worth of blessings upon me; I am reminded again of more. I have no idea what I have done to deserve this life that I have but I will try to always earn it.
I know every parent probably feels the same but I really don't see how anyone can love their child or their wife as much as I love Samantha and Lauren. I really don't think it's possible for anyone else in this world to be as happy as I am. I am not skilled enough to accurately articulate the love I have for my family.
I am as guilty as anyone of getting caught up in the stress and pressure of living every day life. Time demands and facing the almighty ticking clock at times leaves me feeling like I will never accomplish all I need to do. However, lately I have tried to make a real effort to slow down and enjoy the small things.
Tonight, Lauren is working so it's just me and my baby. She played in the basement while I worked out after work and after I showered and fed her we went to the grocery store. I know people who walked by me must have thought I was insane for all the laughing, smiling and crazy faces I was making. Looking down and seeing my beautiful daughter look up and smile at her Papa overflowed my heart with joy. During those moments, I was not concerned with the chores waiting for me at home or tasks I wanted to accomplish. I was simply enjoying every second of that experience.
Trust me when I say that you have no idea how perfect my life is. Yes, there are always things that can be better but usually the things I complain about are the things that do not really matter. I have the most perfect, amazing, beautiful, loving and caring wife in the world and I have the most perfect child. Sorry to everyone else who thought their baby was the most perfect...Samantha has won that contest! :)

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