(Above: She was driving the pirate piggies ship!)
Here she is planting flowers in Isa's butterfly garden!
Posing with Dora and Boots.
Posing with Diego and Baby Jaguar.
Here she was sitting at the Anchor's desk in the Old Town exhibit. This was Jeff's favorite exhibit when he was a kid.

Jeff and I loved getting to watch Samantha's imagination run wild as she explored. She is becoming more and more animated the older she get's and what ever she is feeling it written right across her face.
We went and had dinner at Pa's the night before Thanksgiving. Samantha really like her Pa and it was nice getting to spend some time at his house with him. For Pa, I am sure it was really hard spending his first Thanksgiving without Granny, but we all tried to surround him with as much love as we could.
On Thanksgiving day we went and dropped off some food to Nick and Mandy's, then went to Jim and Lib's to eat. We got there a bit late due to Samantha's nap, but we got to at least sat Hi to everyone and fill our bellies with yummy food. Then we went back to Nick and Mandy's to play games and have dessert. Samantha really like playing with her cousins and it is always nice when they get to hang out together.
I love all the excitement of the Holiday's but what I am most thankful for this year is my growing family. Not just my husband, but my beautiful little girl and the one I have growing inside of me.
I am blessed.
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