Saturday, November 5, 2011

Libby's 60th Birthday Party

This morning, when I woke up, Samantha asked me what we were going to cook. (I think she got Jeff and I confused there for a second.) But I came up with making cinnamon rolls and Samantha was stoked. She went straight to the pantry to get her step stool and we got to "cooking". She knows that when the timer goes off we have to use the "gloves" to get the cinnamon rolls out of the oven. It it actually really cute!

Once we got the rolls on the cooling rack she has to watch them until the are cool enough to eat.

And during this waiting period, she as us like a hundred times if it is time yet. I am going to have to start coming up with some better / healthier options for our Saturday morning baking lessons.

After Samantha's nap, we headed off to Plain City for Mawmaw's surprise 60th birthday party. There were about 50 of us in all at the Dutch Kitchen waiting for Mawmaw to arrive. Samantha had been singing "Happy Birthday to Mawmaw" all morning so she was really excited to see her and say "Surprise!"

When Mawmaw got there we all got to eating and socializing. It was really fun to get to see all the Hauser family. And Mawmaw was actually surprised! Then Mawmaw thought it would be a great idea for Samantha to get her very own Red Velvet cupcake. I promptly came over and snatched half that icing right off but Samantha still had plenty to enjoy!

We bought Libby a Pandora bracelet for her gift. We picked out a Rose bead to commemorate her Mom and then Samantha got her a "S" bead too. I actually tried to get Samantha a bracelet too but the smallest one was still a little too big so I told her she has to wait till her arm get's a little bigger.

We had a really great day. Unfortunately we had to miss Chase's 2nd birthday party, but I am sure he has so much fun he didn't even realize we were not there.

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