Monday, October 31, 2011

Trunk or Treat

Last Thursday, Jeff took Samantha to Trunk or Treat at Nick and Mandy's church. We bought her this pirate costume last year (on sale) and it fit perfectly! Argh...

The doo rag "hat" had built in hoop earring's that were just too cute. (But not cute enough for me to actually let her pierce her ears.)

So proud of her earring(s).

She was a little confused why her bucket was empty when we told her candy would be put in it. But she figured it out quickly! Jeff said that she was very brave and walked right up to the trunks to say trick or treat. I think that she might have been a little afraid, but the allure of candy out weighed any possible negatives!

Sunday morning was a little cold so Jeff got her all bundled up for church. He has gotten so good at doing Samantha's hair and picking out cute outfits. Our next little girl is going to benefit so much from the practice Daddy had with Samantha :)

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