Monday, October 17, 2011

Circle S Farm

(I had to steal this picture (and the one below) from Mandy's blog and add them to mine! Thanks Mandy!)

Tonight, Jeff and I took Samantha to Circle S Farm with The Hague's. (It has now become a yearly tradition.) Above: Samantha was pointing to her dimples for her Daddy.

Cow: Me (figuratively) & Pig: Samantha (mostly accurate)

Samantha climbing the hay bale stack to get to the slide.

She made it all the way to the top all by herself!

We took a hayride out to the pumpkin patch and we got to pick out a pumpkin. It was a perfect afternoon to be out on the farm b/c it was semi-chilly but the sun was out and kept us warm! I cannot wait 'til next year.

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