I don't know exactly what a blog is but I always hear Mom and Dad talking about it. They say things like "we have to put that picture on the blog", or "I just updated the blog, check it out". So, I decided to see what all the fuss is about. Apparently this is a way to tell people what's going on in your life and to share pictures. Pretty Cool.
I had the most stressful day today. I woke up from a deep sleep at 6am with a wet diaper. Then, I started asking for a new diaper and maybe some food but Mom and Dad were way too busy getting ready for work and they made me wait a whole 5 minutes! Can you believe that? How do you think they would like sitting around in their own pee??? Then, the bald one comes in, flicks the light on and stands over my bed saying good morning like I'm deaf or something. Dude, I can hear you...you're 2 feet from my face and it's only 6am!
Then, it was off to Kathy's (my babysitter). She's nice and she likes me a lot. I had a bottle there and then got sleepy and took a long nap. Took a massive dump and then I felt like a million bucks. I then just hung out a bit, watched some TV and practiced my walking skills. The boys kept pulling my hair and I tried telling them I could squash them with my right leg, but again...who listens to me? Mom came early to pick me up and that was a surprise. But the excitement wore of quickly and I fell asleep in the car on the way home. I was able to catch an hour nap before I was ready for all the excitement going on outside my bedroom door. But it took mom too long to get me and then she wanted me to "blow blow blow" my nose and I was all like...hey lady, that hurts. But she wanted it clean nonetheless. So I tried explaining to her how upset it makes me when she makes me blow my nose but I swear she just looks at me like I am babbling and crying and making no sense at all.
When Dad came home; Mom and I sat out back for a bit while Dad cut the grass. He kept waving at me but I didn't wave back. Again, really...I see you, I know you're there...why the constant waving?? The cool thing about being outside though is that there are all these new things to taste. Today I tried grass, dandelion, twig and leaf although I really prefer the grass to all the others. AND the way the grass feels on my bare feet is so neat....mom even put blades of grass between all my toes.
Right when Dad was done with the grass he came in and said something about Buckeye. Now I may be little but when ever I hear them talk about Buckeye they get all mad and start waving their hands all around. So I knew that little annoying dog had done something to upset my parents. My Dad put me on his shoulders and we all went outside. Mom kept whistling then saying something under her breath about hoping he never comes back...not sure what that was all about...but then Buckeye came running down the road and we all walked back home.
Fast forward to later and me and the folks are just playing in the living room. I kept pushing on Dad's belly and he would cry in pain...not sure why I thought this was so funny but it actually held my attention for about 10 minutes. At the end of the day I really love these guys...they always take care of me, always tell me they love me and always tell me I am the best, most beautiful baby in the world. I don't know if that's true but I will not tell them otherwise. Above, are the pictures of me writing this. I know, I'm advanced!!!
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