This morning Mandy brought Grady over for me to babysit while she took Chase to his 6 month check up. I
DVR'd Sid and Super Why so that he would be able to watch his favorite shows while eating his breakfast. After Sid went off he kept saying; "More Sid?". It was super cute. Above is Grady and Samantha playing on the floor. She is still not feeling good but no longer has a fever.

Here is Grady "hugging" Samantha. He loved kissing her head and giving her hugs.

This picture is from last night. It was just too cute for me not to post. When Jeff got home from work Samantha cuddled up with him on the couch and was just so happy to be in her
daddy's arms. I know the feeling of those arms...it is the safest place I know and I am sure Samantha will feel the same way. We love you daddy!
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