Yesterday I noticed that Samantha's nose was running. But she is teething so I figured it was just a by-product of that. Then last night she started coughing too. When Jeff and I went to bed we could hear her cough through the walls. But she seemed to sleep ok and was her usual happy self this morning. She was still coughing and had a runny nose but she was in a good mood and it seemed to just all be a part of teething. So Jeff dropped her off at the babysitter as usual and we both went off to work. Then at 2 PM the babysitter called and said she was not wanting to eat anything and was running a fever. They gave her some tylenol but wanted us to come and pick her up. So I left work and rushed over there. When I got her home I took her tempature and it was 99.5 degrees. So I made up some pedialyte and tried to get her to drink some. She only drank 1 oz and then she played for a while on the floor. She was in a very mellow mood. She was just sitting on my lap watching tv. Then I put her down for a nap around 3:30 PM. She slept until 5:20ish and woke up full of snot. I did that bulb thing on her nose and it was just full! I know she must be so miserable.

From 5:20ish to 7:30 she was in a fairly good mood. She was playing on the floor with her toys and also crawling over to me to be held. We managed to get her to drink 3 more ounces of the pedialyte and some eggs for dinner. I took her tempature again and it is up to 100.8 degrees. So I gave her a little more tylenol and a bottle. She is sleeping now and I am really hoping she does not have a fever in the morning. I am not use to my playful baby cuddling so much and just wanting to be held. I am dying to see her smile and be healthy again. Keep her in your prayers.
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