Samantha at Grady's 2nd birthday party!

After the party Mom, Dad, Jeff, Samantha and I went over to BW3's for dinner. Here was my dad sharing his lemon with Samantha. She loved sucking on it...what a shock! And my dad put her name tag from the party on her forehead...she never even paid it any attention. I think she was too obsessed with her lemon to care what was on her head.

Samantha loved it when they filled the room with bubbled! She kept getting bubbles stuck in her hair. It was super cute.

Samantha sitting on the mats.

Today @ 4 we went to Grady's 2nd birthday party at Gymboree! My camera was dead so I had to have other people take some pictures for me. Above is Luke and Samantha with part of Sophie in the back ground. I guess I need to teach Samantha how to share, she was hogging all the balls!

Here is a picture of Samantha this morning. She loved playing peek-a-boo with the curtains and looking outside!
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