Thursday, November 26, 2009

Pre-Thanksgiving Day Dinner

(All the ladies at Jim and Libby's after a wonderful meal!)
(Jim and Jamie.)
(Larry and Pa.)
(Jimmy, Samantha and Jeff.)

Jeff took off Tuesday and Wednesday this week for the holiday so we were able to spend two glorious days together. We painted our bedroom and reorganized our living room on Tuesday. And on Wednesday Jeff had lunch with his friend Mark Manning, who was in town from California, while Samantha and I had lunch with my mom. Then we lounged around the house until the Hauser Family Pre-Thanksgiving Day dinner. This year Jim and Libby hosted it and there were about 30 of us there in total. We ate fried chicken and all the normal Thanksgiving Day side dishes. We ended up hanging out until 10 PM...which is REALLY late for Jeff and I. Then we came home and watched a two hour special about The Biggest Loser / "Where are they now". We LOVE that show. So we ended up going to bed around midnight which is the latest I have stayed up since Samantha was born.

PS: I have to apologize for it being so long since I have blogged. My dad, Libby, and Tonia have all "complained" that is has taken me too long to post this is for you guys! (I guess the saying is true...the squeaky wheel gets the oil!)

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