Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 3

(Nana and Samantha!)

(Jeff feeding Samantha when he got home from golfing.)

(A walrus sand castle.)

(Matthew, Kaitlyn and Jillian on the beach.)

This morning Jeff and Jimbo went golfing. It was our Father's Day gift to Jimbo. They ended up being out until a little after 1 PM. They said they had a good time but it was HOT and they got stuck behind a slow foursome. While they were gone Jessica and I ran to Surf City to get floats for everyone. Since the jellyfish are still around it made everyone feel a little better about being in the ocean if they were on a raft.
Samantha woke up this morning @ 6 AM and was down for her morning nap by 9 AM. She was a major sleeper this morning and did not get up again until 1 PM. So I was able to get some beach and pool time in while she was snoozing away.

When Jeff got back we got Samantha ready and took her to the pool. She liked being in the water but was not a fan of her raft or tent. So we only spent half an hour down there and came back up and bathed her. She ate a bottle and took yet another nap. Jeff and I went down to the beach while Lib watched Samantha. The kids (Jessica, Kaitlyn, Matthew and Jillian) and Jeff & I took a really long walk down the beach. We saw tons of jellyfish watched up on the beach. The kids found lots of shells and little things to pick up.

Jim and Lib made us hamburgers, hot dogs and french fries for dinner. Then there was a short rain storm but it only lasted for about 30 minutes. I will be going to bed early tonight...the sun is so draining!

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