First, I know I have been slacking in updating the blog. Something that was originally my idea has been taken care of so well by Lauren. She does a great job adding things and including pictures so everyone can see Samantha grow.
Today was such a great day as I spent a lot of quality time with Samantha. She didn't have a great night sleeping last night which was kind of unexpected. She had a big 8 oz bottle at 9pm last night and then went to bed so I was confident she would sleep through the night. She woke up at 1am and I went in to check on her but was resolved to leave her be, not feed her and hope she would put herself back to sleep. She "talked" until about 1:30 and then I went to check again and she had taken a massive number 2. I changed her and put her back to bed. Finally, at 2am I caved and made her a bottle. After she ate she did fall back asleep. I woke up at 7am and she was still asleep.
Samantha isn't really a cuddly baby and is normally content to be in her swing, or on her play mat. Maybe it's just me, but she doesn't really enjoy just being held (by me). But, this morning she sat on my lap most of the morning and just watched TV with me. After a bottle and more playing she took a nap on my chest. I loved this so much! She hasn't slept on my chest for a couple of months and I forgot how much I missed it. I fell asleep too and would wake up every little bit and just hold her tighter. At one point I thought I was looking forward to her getting older so she could crawl, walk, talk, etc but after today I realized just how much I miss the things she did when she was only a couple of months old. Just looking at this child, holding her, seeing her smile at me absolutely melts my heart.
Samantha is sick. I am sure it's my fault as I have been sick for almost 2 weeks at this point. You can tell she in congested and not being herself. I feel really bad for her but she is such a tough little girl...she hasn't really been upset about it. I met my family for dinner tonight and before I left Lauren and I took her temperature and she actually had a slight fever...99.5. I am praying she feels better and gets over this very quickly.
Finally, all of you out there please pray for Lauren and I to have strength, patience and faith in regards to her work schedule. Some of you may not know but she has to work the overnight shift on the weekends. This is extremely hard for us as our family time on the weekends is basically non existent. I miss her so much and I know it breaks her heart to have to get up and leave her family at 11:30pm at night. I know it's hard for her not to be here in the morning when Samantha wakes up. God has always made a way in our life and I know He will continue to do so but we are really praying for something to change soon...