This morning Jeff and I took Samantha to see her Pediatric Urologist to follow up on the tests that were done on the 2nd. Our appointment was @ 8:00 AM but the Doctor did not see us until 8:50 AM. Samantha has a Duplicated Collecting System, which basically means she has two kidneys on the right side...a total of 3 kidneys. Two of the kidneys are working well and one is showing some swelling. We have to take her back for another Renal Ultrasound on August 10th. The good thing is that this ultrasound is not invasive so she will not have to have an IV or catheter put it for this test. They called these ultrasounds, jelly on the belly ultrasounds since they just have to put jelly on her belly to be able to view the kidney. Right now she will not have to have surgery but they have put her on antibiotics for the next year. Then she will have to have another VCUG when she is 1 year old to see if there are any changes. The thought right now is that she will grow out of the reflux and will not have to always be on the amoxicillian. We are pretty hopeful that she will not have to have surgery too. So we are just praying she will grow into a healthy little girl.
PS. Samantha weighs 9.6 lbs today...what a growing girl!!!
I'm sure this is a challenging time, but it sounds like you have wonderful doctors and that Samantha is doing her very best! Keep up the courage and we'll continue the prayers! Love you guys!