Today was Samantha first time out of Ohio! My Mom, Dee, Samantha and I went out to see Kathy at her house in Thornville, OH (near Buckeye Lake). Kathy has 8 acres in the most beautiful setting. They have a really long driveway and a huge pond! I would love to live some place like that...if only it wasn't so far from our jobs! Anyways...we ate at a place right on the lake called Pappa Boo's...they had really reasonably priced seafood! Then we drove on to WV. I basically wanted to go just to go to Gabe's. For those of you that do not have a Gabe's it is the best store ever! It is a clothing store that sells Brand Name clothes at a REALLY discounted price. I was able to get Jeff a pair of Nike Shox for only $50 and I got Samantha 2 Juicy zip-ups for $30 for both!!! After I put some major damage to our bank account we went to dinner at Ricky D's in Parkersburg. It is an Italian Restaurant right on the Ohio River. Since the weather was so great we were able to sit outside...beautiful. Then mom and I handed Dee off to her husband Steve and headed home. Samantha slept the whole way home. Mom dropped Samantha and I off at 10 PM...it was a very long day but we had a great day trip!
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