Sunday, November 4, 2012

Siesta Key October 2012

A couple of weeks ago we packed up the family and headed to Florida.  It was so nice to have Jeff along for this trip down to Gram's.

On the airplane headed down to Florida.

We made it to Grams and after naps we went straight outside.  Natalie loved playing in the water.

Since the pool is getting cold, Samantha got in the baby pool with her sister.

The next morning we went to the main Siesta Key beach.  Natalie loved everything about being outside.

It is kind of hard to see but during low tide the water creates a pool area where Samantha can touch bottom. She was so happy to not have to wear any floats.

She really enjoyed being on the beach and having the freedom to run around.

 Miss Natalie loved picking up the sand and trying to eat it!

My ballerina beach bum.

Natalie was in baby heaven getting to play in the water.

Look how picture perfect the water, blue sky and pretty 3 year old are.

Samantha playing in the water.

Miss Natalie is so mobile now. Not only can she crawl all over the place she is staring to pull herself up on her knee's to get a better view.

One of my favorite restaurants on the key is Turtles.  Jeff took Samantha down the boat dock at Turtles.  What a beautiful little girl!

She was checking out the view...right before sunset.

Natalie pulling herself on Thomas!

Jeff took Samantha out for a canoe ride on the canal.   After they circled back I got in with them and we went for a short ride on the water. Canoeing is harder than you think...

We went to the "little" beach one day since it is so much easier to get to the water with all our kid stuff. Samantha was really good about staying where she could touch bottom so we didn't make her wear her life jacket.

Gram and Natalie on the beach.

Mommy and Natalie playing in the water.

 The girls!

There is a First Watch near my mom's that is on a pond.  We were hoping to see an alligator but we just saw some turtle heads peeking out of the water.

For the first, time we took the La Barge sunset cruise. I have always gone on the 2 o'clock dolphin watch so this was a new experience for all of us.

There was live music on the boat and Samantha enjoyed dancing!

Mommy and her big girl!

Daddy and his daughters...doesn't he look proud?!?!


Mommy and her little girls!

Gram and Natalie!

Great Aunt MaryLou and my girls.

We went to the beach one afternoon after naps. It was so nice to not have to cover everyone in sunscreen!

Since Natalie LOVES eating sand; we brought the baby pool to the beach so she could play in the water without a sandy dinner.

Mom, Samantha and I stopped by the mall and Samantha got to ride a couple little rides.

Mom and Samantha on our last night.

In May when the girls and I came down we had an 8+ hour flight delay. This time it was smooth sailing flying!

Natalie took a little nap on her Mommy then Daddy got to spend the rest of the flight with a happy little girl.

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