Thursday, November 15, 2012

Samantha's 1st Haircut, er; trim!

Once Samantha's hair reached her booty we decided it was time for a cut.  When Samantha was born I swore I would wait until she went to kindergarden to get her hair cut.  But her hair has just grown so fast and is so thick I had to revise my plan.  When we told Samantha that she was going to get a hair cut she was really upset.  I thought at first her hang up was she thought her hair would be short and she likes to have long hair just like Rapunzel.  So when I told her we would just get it trimmed she was much happier.  The picture above was pre-hair cut and you can tell how long it was even though it was in a braid!

We took her to Cookie Cutters, a child's hair salon, and they let her pick out a movie to watch while she was getting her hair cut trim. She picked out Cinderella to watch and was really good.

She followed directions from the stylist really well; makes her momma proud.

Halfway through the cut and she was happy as could be.  Since this was her first hair cut trim, I bought the "baby's first hair cut" package.  They cut off almost 5 inches so the cute little curl that normally comes home with you was more like a mop of curls! My 1st baby is getting so big!  I don't know what I am going to do when she decides she wants her ears pierced!

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