Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

 Happy 4th of July!

 We got up and went to the Gahanna parade.  It was really good this year and Samantha loved collecting all the candy! She has such a sweet tooth!

 Natalie slept thru the whole parade! And since it was so hot I stood over her and fanned her so she wouldn't get too hot!

After the parade we went home for naps (well Jeff and the girls took naps) and then we went to my mom's for our annual 4th of July celebration.  However this was the first year in a long time that the weather was nice enough to actually spend the day out at the pool.  Samantha has really turned into a swimmer fish in the past couple weeks! She is even jumping off the diving board all by herself.  And she really prefers to swim without any floatation device!  Miss Natalie on the other hand really prefers to stay inside. Unless there is shade in the pool where mommy can hold her and dip her feet into the water!

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