Sunday, April 8, 2012

Random pictures that need to be shared.

Samantha said Natalie looks like a boy in this outfit b/c it is blue (a boy color) and she was wearing jeans. I think no matter what she wears she is one cute little girl!
Natalie loves being cozy. As soon as you put a hat on her and wrap her up in a blanket she falls asleep.
Sleeping on Mommy and Daddy's bed.
Wide awake. It is pretty rare getting pictures of this little one awake.
Over the past few days Miss Natalie has taken to a paci. She might not be a thumb sucker after all.
Gram feeding Miss Natalie a bottle.
Samantha wanted to take this picture to text to her Daddy.
Samantha loves being around her sister. And this is actually a good picture of them together.

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