Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Samantha loved digging into her Easter Basket!

I don't know how she knew what to do but as soon as she picked up an egg she immediately opened it!

I had to put the Bunny ears on Jeff too! What a champ.

Samantha loved her new Rain Boots! She has to wear them all the time.

All ready for church!

I look a hot mess in this picture, but Samantha looks so cute I just had to post this picture!

After church we went home and Samantha took a long nap. When she woke up we went out to my mom's house. The kids had a little egg hunt in the front yard!

We really wanted a picture with all the kids...but wow is that hard...this was the best we could do!

Grady and Samantha checking out their goodies!

My beautiful little family on a beautiful Easter Day!

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