Saturday, April 16, 2011

Birthday's Galore!!!

Today was Grady's 3rd Birthday Party at the Columbus Zoo! Mandy had rented out a room in the Education Center for the festivities and it was a lot of fun for all the kids. (Above: Samantha playing with the big feet and Iggy)
Grady pinning the nose on the lion.

Samantha eating her cake!

Mommy and Samantha checking out the animals the Zoo Staff brought in!

Zoo staff with the armadillo. How ugly!

After the party it was raining out so we ended up just taking Samantha home. She fell asleep in the car about 2 minutes from home. So I carried her right from the car into her bed. After she was all settled I went to take a nap too. At 4 PM Jeff came in and said it was time to get out of bed...I could not believe her and I both slept for over 3 hours! I guess we both needed some beauty sleep!

Tonight for dinner we went to El Vaquero to celebrate my Dad's birthday. There ended up being quite a big group of us....Dad, Nick, Mandy, Grady, Chase, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Jeff and his wife Ruth, and Jeff, Samantha & I. We had a great meal and good time hanging out with each other!

And we still have another birthday to celebrate....Nick's Birthday dinner is on Tuesday!

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