Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Samantha had her 4 month check up today!

(Before she got her shots!)
(Chubby baby!)

Today Samantha had her 4-month well baby check up. I cannot believe that she is already 4 months old! I know everyone tells you to "enjoy the time now because it goes by so fast", but I never thought it would fly by as quick as it has! She is now 16 lbs 10.5 oz! That put her in the 96th percentile for weight. She is 25.5 inches long, 90th percentile. And her head circumference is 16.75 inches, 86 percentile. She had to get 2 shots and one oral vaccine. She screamed at he top of her lungs as soon as she got the shots and I felt terrible. My mom went with us to the appointment and she had a hard time seeing Samantha get her vaccines. It is hard for me too, but I guess I know it is the best thing for her and have in a weird way I have gotten use to it.

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