Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 6

(Jeff and I parasailing.)
(Jeff and I about to get dipped.)

(Guys on the dock fileting fish!)
(This guy was measuring the hip bones of the fish...yes I asked!)
(Samantha looking super cute before our family pictures.)

(The Hauser Family Photo!)

(Our little family.)

(Mawmaw and Pawpaw.)

(The Carter Clan.)


Today Samantha got up at 6 AM to eat but went right back to bed and slept until almost 9 AM. Jeff and I sat out on the porch drinking coffee with Jim & Lib and we saw dolphins riding the waves. They would even jump completely out of the water like they do at Sea World! It was so cool. I am always so fascinated by animals in the wild.

Jeff and I went to CVS to get Samantha some nasal saline solution since she has had a stuffy nose the past couple of days. Since she is sleeping less than 2 feet from my head I can hear every snort and snore! She did not even seem to mind when I put it up her nose! She made a funny face but never cried or anything!

When we got back everyone went to the is a wannabe Sea World. They all squeezed into Jeff's car and took Samantha too. Jeff and I went parasailing while they were all gone. We were the only people on the parasailing boat so it was nice because we did not have to wait while other people rode. Jeff was really nervous at first but really loosened up towards the end. The scariest part for me was being dipped in the ocean because we could see literally hundreds of big jellyfish. I thought my booty was going to get stung; luckily neither of us did!

When we got back we were locked out of the condo so we spent some time at the pool. The ocean was a little cool today because of all the rain so the pool was actually warmer.

Once everyone got back from the Gulfarium Samantha was ready for a nap so Jeff and I hung out in the condo. It was nice to just sit on the balcony and listen to waves and watch the dolphins. I swear those dolphins were putting on a show just for me!

We went down to the dunes to take family pictures tonight but it was really windy. So I am not sure everyone was pleased with their pictures. Then we went to dinner at Angler's. This is another one of the kids favorites. They have a sort of playground right on the ocean that they can all play on. Samantha was ready for bed so Tonia, Jessica, Samantha, Jeff and I came back to the condo a little earlier. She has been such a good sleeper with the time change and all! I swear I have the best baby in the world!

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