Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentine's Day Fun

This year Samantha is much more aware of Holiday's. At the babysitters they had been talking about Valentine's Day and making little Valentine's Day crafts, so she had multiple days of celebrating. The above picture was taken on actual V-Day. And she was so excited to wear her special outfit, (Thanks Gram!)
Jim and Libby made Samantha a V-Day bag of goodies and Samantha loved digging right in. She especially loved the heart necklace and heart bracelet.
"Reading" her card from Mawmaw and Pawpaw.
Ripping open her V-Day card!
Not shy at all about digging right in to her bag of goodies! She LOVES surprises!

The day before V-Day Samantha and I had gone to Hallmark to get Jeff cards from us and some cards for Samantha to share with her friends at the babysitter. I have to interject, when we were at Hallmark, she would pick up a it...and say, "Mommy Loves Daddy" or "Daddy Loves Mommy". It was super cute. And as soon as Daddy got home from work she ran and told him we got him cards and there for we celebrated a day early. When Samantha and I got back from gymnastics's Daddy surprised us with flowers and Samantha got a balloon too.
She was very excited to have flowers of her very own just like Mommy!
The week before V-day Gram sent Samantha (and baby girl #2) a box of V-day goodies. The above picture is the aftermath after Samantha pulled everything out. She is one spoiled little girl. At least she is very grateful for all the surprises she gets.
She loved her Dora hat and gloves!
So excited!!!
Checking out her new dress with matching leggings.
Opening up the box and being so excited for the "what could it be inside"!
It has gotten to be a lot more fun for Jeff and I too b/c Samantha is so much more interactive now. She loves to tell us stories about her day and things she likes and dislikes. She has an opinion on EVERYTHING, and is not afraid to share it! And she is really loving...she gives lots of hugs and kisses and please and thank yous. She is a joy to our lives and we cannot wait to bring this new little joy into our lives as well!

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