Wednesday night we had a little scare w/ Lauren having pretty frequent contractions. During the couple hours at home before we went to the hospital I realized we were in no way prepared for our new baby girl to join us yet. I promised Lauren that if this baby didn't come, I would be a maniac this weekend and try to get prepared. And that is exactly what we did. First, Lauren was an amazing help getting things done. Thanks to my parents for watching Samantha for a few hours Saturday, we were able to get baby girl's room painted a nice shade of pink. Samantha helped me today install a ceiling fan and decorate the room. As of now, this new baby's room is 99% finished. We even brought up a ton of baby stuff up from the basement and made room for things and will spend the week getting it all cleaned and ready.
Moving forward, please keep Lauren in your prayers. She has had some really good days and really bad days. We are praying this baby stays in as long as she needs to come out healthy and happy.
Don't try too hard to guess baby girl's name, I may or may not have
exaggerated the number of characters in her name...

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