Lauren and I took the day off work today and promised Samantha a "Day Of Fun". We woke up this morning and headed southeast to Logan OH to Hocking Hills State Park and Old's Man Cave. We knew Samantha wouldn't have a full day in her but we wanted to cram all the fun in that we could. And while we spent more time in the car heading to and fro than actually "hiking" as Samantha would say; it was a great day. I enjoy more and more witnessing my child discover new things and see the excitement she has for new things . It might seem simple but it was one of my best days.
(The pictures are not very clear, it was rainy and pictures ended up cloudy but you can get the drift):
(Here is Samantha holding up the sign)
(Samantha and Mommy getting ready to hit the trail)
(Samantha taking a break, in fairness we were 15 mins in...)
(The pictures are not very clear, it was rainy and pictures ended up cloudy but you can get the drift):

Even though we weren't out very long, by the time we arrived back home at noon, Samantha got her money's worth and was ready for bed. She took a solid 3 hour nap and woke up in a great mood. Continuing with our "Day Of Fun" theme, she had lunch and then off to the park we went. We forgot our camera so there is no evidence of this but trust me, Samantha loves the park and had a blast. From there, to Kroger to pickup supplies for dinner. I cooked a nice juicy steak but Samantha preferred to eat fruit loops. Normally Lauren and I have Samantha eat what we eat but Samantha has been a great kid the last 4 days we have been with her so I gave in...I know, I am a pushover.
Samantha played in the living room and then a bath. Her "Day Of Fun" really wore her out as she was out for the count by 7:05.
We have been with our beautiful daughter all day everyday for the last 4 days. I love Samantha more and more everyday. I am so thankful that my lovely wife has given me this child and also thankful that she is my partner in this life. As most of you know, we are expecting our second child in March 2012...keep us in your prayers.
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