Saturday, June 11, 2011

Samantha's 2nd Birthday

Today is Samantha's 2nd Birthday. I could go on and on about how I cannot believe she is 2 years old but I will spare you.

Last night my mom came over and we made this Elmo cake and all the cupcakes to match.

And Aunt Mandy loaned me some Sesame Street decorations!

Our front door.

And we even put out some balloons on the mailbox.

The party started at 4 PM and we just went to the shelter in our neighborhood. Here was Samantha blowing out her candle.

The kids loved playing at the park. Here is Matt and Jill on the teeter totter.

Miss Sylvie, who is only 2 weeks younger than Samantha and has a baby sister due in October!

Grady on the swing!

Aunt Lisa got Samantha a kitchen and some play food to go with it. Samantha LOVES it!

And what little kid doesn't love bubbles? Samantha is a fan of blowing bubbles and eating them!

After everyone left we started opening up her presents. This is the train track that my Dad got for Samantha. She loves saying Choo Choo!

And my Dad got her some Lincoln Logs too... I think Jeff likes building as much as Samantha does.

And Mawmaw and Pawpaw got Samantha a new bike! We put it together after she went to bed so I am sure she will be thrilled when she gets up in the morning!

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