After everyone woke up refreshed, Aunt Dee stopped over for a little visit. Mom had borrowed a stroller from someone in the neighborhood and she had to go return it so Dee walked with Mom and I rode my bike with Samantha...see Jeff's post for picture. Samantha loved loved loved riding in the bike with me. And she kept saying, "hat" for her helmet! I really had fun on the bike ride too and think I will be taking Samantha around a lot on that bike!
When we got back home from the bike ride, Samantha spied the swing. And since she can say "swing" it was very clear what she wanted to do. So she swung for a little while before we went back in to clean up for dinner...see Jeff's post for picture.
Mom and I ran to Walgreen's for a few things I forgot...baby wipes, hair ties for Samantha, etc. Then we met up with Sandy for dinner at Longhorn. By the time we got home from dinner it was bath, reading and bedtime for Samantha. She still got to stay up late compared to what she normally does!
Seeing how excited Samantha has been all day makes me want to move down here so she can be and outdoorsy kid. She seems so happy outsides, and well I do too for that matter. Maybe I am just trying to make up any excuse to say down here forever. If I could just convince Jeff...
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