Friday, December 30, 2011

Ultrasound - 29 Weeks 0 Days

The nurse showed us some 4-D shots at the end of our ultrasound, but they did not save any on the disk for me. So the above shot is one that Jeff took of the t.v. screen with his phone. You can still tell that she is going to be one cutie-patootie!
Today, Jeff and I had an ultrasound at Riverside to follow up with our new baby's kidney's. It looks like this new baby only has two kidney's but we will go back for another ultrasound in 6 weeks and then she will also follow up with the Pediatric Urologist once she is born.
She has her little fist up by her mouth. (According to the Doctor, she is approximately 3.1 lbs!)
Another fist by the mouth picture.
Profile shot.
Here are her little leg crossed at the ankles. She is going to be quite the lady.
A couple very short video's of our new baby girl.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Zoo Lights with The Hauser's

My silly monkey!
Jim and Lib have a membership to the Columbus Zoo so they were able to get the whole family in for free! So we all went to see their Christmas Light display and the animals too.
Mostly, Samantha just enjoyed spending time with her cousins!
A sleeping brown bear!
More fishies!
Samantha trying to lick the fishies!
She was seriously in awe of the fishies!
On our ride home!

Monday, December 12, 2011

It the most magical time of the year...

This past Friday night I had a work Christmas party. So Jim and Lib came over to watch Samantha while we went off to party. They sent us this picture and the next one while we were gone. Even though we were only gone for a little bit we are always excited to get home to our sweet little girl.
She LOVES having the Christmas tree up! And whoever comes over will be shown all of her favorite ornaments :)
Here she was bright and early the next morning. Jeff took this one and the next one.
She is not like me in the morning; she tends to be much happier!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

The City of Gahanna found it in their budget to bring back the Holiday Lights parade this year. We met up with The Hague clan at the normal parade watching location and had a great time. Even though it was cool outside it was not freezing like it has been in the past. Samantha really enjoyed the band's (she loves cymbals) and also the dance groups.
Jeff and I also took off a day of work to take Samantha to COSI while they still had the Dora and Diego exhibit. Since she loves Dora we knew she would really enjoy this...and we were so right.
(Above: She was driving the pirate piggies ship!)
Here she is planting flowers in Isa's butterfly garden!
Posing with Dora and Boots.

Posing with Diego and Baby Jaguar.
Driving Tico's car where she also got to collect acorns.
Here she was sitting at the Anchor's desk in the Old Town exhibit. This was Jeff's favorite exhibit when he was a kid.
Looking thru the telescope on the Pirate Piggie's ship.
In the Kid Zone area, she got to play in a huge water area that she just loved.
Jeff and I loved getting to watch Samantha's imagination run wild as she explored. She is becoming more and more animated the older she get's and what ever she is feeling it written right across her face.
We went and had dinner at Pa's the night before Thanksgiving. Samantha really like her Pa and it was nice getting to spend some time at his house with him. For Pa, I am sure it was really hard spending his first Thanksgiving without Granny, but we all tried to surround him with as much love as we could.
On Thanksgiving day we went and dropped off some food to Nick and Mandy's, then went to Jim and Lib's to eat. We got there a bit late due to Samantha's nap, but we got to at least sat Hi to everyone and fill our bellies with yummy food. Then we went back to Nick and Mandy's to play games and have dessert. Samantha really like playing with her cousins and it is always nice when they get to hang out together.
I love all the excitement of the Holiday's but what I am most thankful for this year is my growing family. Not just my husband, but my beautiful little girl and the one I have growing inside of me.
I am blessed.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Samantha and Dora

These are from this morning...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Samantha's First night in her big girl bed

Saturday evening we returned home and Samantha was able to see and explore her new room. She was extremely excited and very eager to explore and try her new bed out.

While I was a nervous wreck, she actually slept really good Saturday night. Lauren tells me to relax but I don't like her having full access to everything.

Last night, we put her to bed at 8pm and at 10:30 I went to check on her and she was wide awake sitting up in her bed. I asked her if she wanted me to stay with her a while and she said "No Daddy, go away". I left and struggled to fall asleep myself as I was worried about her. She was much happier this morning than I thought she would be after getting less sleep than usual.

We are hoping this is just another transition she will welcome and her Daddy can cope as well without driving himself crazy with worry...