Today Jeff and I took Samantha to Children's Hospital to have some follow up testing. After her surgery we went back for an ultra-sound and there was some question about whether or not the surgery had worked. So today was the day we were going to find out. First we had a regular jelly-on-the-belly ultra-sound, and even though it is painless, Samantha really hated it. I mean she was shaking with fear. And to make it worse, Jeff and I had to hold her down so they could get good picture. (Above, Jeff was singing to her to keep her calm.)

Here is Samantha and I after the first ultra-sound. She was so happy to be done.

Next we had a NM Ultra-sound. This is the really bad one b/c it includes a catheter and an IV. They
wrapped her up in a
Papoose to keep her still and also I think it calms her down. Once they got her situated and put on ELMO, she was a happy camper. This test take an hour to
complete so the ELMO really helped pass the time for her.

She loved checking out her
bracelet, aka: hospital ID. After her test were done we headed up to see Dr. J to see the results. It was actually really hard b/c we had to wait for over an hour to see him...it was hard to keep her entertained for that long. But she is really social and made friends with everyone in the waiting room! Once we finally got to talk to Dr. J it went all uphill from there. He said he was really impressed with the function of her 3rd kidney and he said the surgery was very successful. So at this point all we have to do it go back in 6 months for a jelly-on-the-belly ultra-sound. All I can say at this point is....GOD BLESS PRAYERS!

As soon as we got in the car to head home Samantha fell asleep. And once we got home, I was able to move her from the car to her bed without her waking up. She
definitely earned a long nap!
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