This afternoon we went to the
Chapman's for a cookout for
Jimbo's 66
th Birthday! We had a ton of fun hanging out with the family and playing with all their toys!

The kids were fishing and got a little bluegill but then they couldn't get it off the hook so Jeff came over and was helping. He put the fish, still on the hook, back in the water so it wouldn't die while he formulated his plan. Then a big bass came and got hooked on the line too! So then Jeff had both a bluegill and bass on the same hook!!! We had to call Keith over to take care of the double fish mess, both fish lived!

2 fish, one hook

Samantha has been really leery of animals lately. She doesn't like dogs at all, and not a big fan of cats either, and goats are not her favorite and today we added horses to the list of animals she doesn't like. But I am trying to keep her around them so she knows there is nothing to be afraid of. At least Jessica was able to get her close enough to the horse for a picture.

L - R: Jessica, Samantha, Katie (I really really love this picture!)

Mimi (that is what Samantha calls me) and Samantha!

The girls!

Grandparents and grandchildren!

Another group shot.

Samantha took a break from all the running around and took a quick rest.

Just the

This girl loves her rocking chairs!

My sweet little family.
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