Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My ornery girl!

She did it again! I have no clue why she keeps taking one of her arms out of her pajamas but it is becoming her morning routine.

Jeff and I both love puffy vest and we are passing this love along to our baby...errr toddler!

She was being such a goof this morning before I took her to the babysitter.

We took some professional pictures when we were in Florida and I finally got them up on the wall. I even incorporated some fall touches since it is my favorite season. Last night when Jeff, Samantha and I were playing outside I picked up some acorns and twigs. So I just put them all in a cup and put them on the wall... a regular Martha Stewart!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

From last week.

Last week Samantha and I were running some errands and one of our stops was the grocery store. When we were checking out the cashier gave Samantha a balloon to take home. I have never seen her so excited about something and she carried that balloon around with her all day!

She has almost grown out a few pairs of shoes that she has not gotten to wear very much so I pulled out the shiny silver ballet slippers. She thought she was so cool in these shoes and was moonwalking around the house!


I love Fall!

This morning, at 6:35 AM when Samantha got up for a diaper change she had her left arm out of her p.j.'s. I thought it was just a random thing that she did, but when I got her back up for the day @ 8:30 AM she had done it again. So I had to get a picture to prove it. Her left arm must get really hot in her sleep!

By 9:15 AM she was back down for her morning nap! I think that this rainy weather was lulling her to sleep because she took a 3 hour morning nap. At noon-ish I got her up to go to lunch with Amanda. I had a gift card from a guy a work with for TGI Friday so we went and treated ourselves to a nice lunch out.

Happy girl.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A fun filled day!

Today after Samantha's morning nap we went out for some retail therapy. First stop was Target! Above is a picture of her sitting on a kids lazy boy in PINK!

We needed some storage for our new finished basement for her toys. (You know how Jeff loves things put away and organized!) So I found some bins that I thought would work well and Samantha hopped right in for a test drive!

When Jeff got home he went for a run while Samantha was finishing up her afternoon nap. When she got up and he got home we went to J. Gumbos for dinner then walked over to Creekside. We bought some bread to feed the ducks and Samantha actually enjoyed it. Recently she has been afraid of all animals but she did not seem to mind the ducks at all!

The crowd that gathered for our bread feast!

I am actually surprised that Jeff got this close to the ducks himself!

Jeff handed Samantha a piece of bread to feed the ducks and she promptly fed herself.

These ducks must be so use to people feeding them because they got really close!

When we ran out of bread we went to the tiny beach-ish area. She loves the water and got right in!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A day at the Chappy Farm!

This afternoon we went to the Chapman's for a cookout for Jimbo's 66th Birthday! We had a ton of fun hanging out with the family and playing with all their toys!

The kids were fishing and got a little bluegill but then they couldn't get it off the hook so Jeff came over and was helping. He put the fish, still on the hook, back in the water so it wouldn't die while he formulated his plan. Then a big bass came and got hooked on the line too! So then Jeff had both a bluegill and bass on the same hook!!! We had to call Keith over to take care of the double fish mess, both fish lived!

2 fish, one hook

Samantha has been really leery of animals lately. She doesn't like dogs at all, and not a big fan of cats either, and goats are not her favorite and today we added horses to the list of animals she doesn't like. But I am trying to keep her around them so she knows there is nothing to be afraid of. At least Jessica was able to get her close enough to the horse for a picture.

L - R: Jessica, Samantha, Katie (I really really love this picture!)

Mimi (that is what Samantha calls me) and Samantha!

The girls!

Grandparents and grandchildren!

Another group shot.

Samantha took a break from all the running around and took a quick rest.

Just the grandkids.

This girl loves her rocking chairs!

My sweet little family.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Professional Pictures from Siesta Key

While in Siesta Key this year we had a photographer take some family pictures at the are the results!

In the dog house.

This morning Samantha was playing in Buckeye's dog house. She thought it was so fun climbing in and out. I just had to get a picture.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A day at the zoo!

Today, Amanda and I took our girls; Sylvie and Samantha to the Columbus Zoo! We had a blast but it didn't take long for us all to tucker out. Here are the girls right when we got to the zoo.

Samantha looking at the Gorilla.

This gorilla was checking out Sylvie. Sylvie loves monkeys so this was her favorite exhibit.

Mandy, Grady and Chase met up with us after Grady got done with his soccer practice. We went straight to the petting zoo with the goats. Here Grady was brushing this goats hair!

Samantha was reaching out to pet the goat but she was pretty leery of them.

Mandy the baby whisperer!

The polar bears were not much fun today but the brown bear sure was. He kept walking back and forth in front of the viewing window. The kids loved checking out the bear as much as the bear enjoyed checking out all the kids!

Samantha checking out the brown bears behind!

Sylvie loves giving hugs and here she was going in for a big Samantha hug!

Grady loves panda bears. And even thought there is not a panda exhibit at the Columbus Zoo he found a panda painted on the wall. I just had to get his picture with it!

This is Manda and I as were were leaving. As you can tell these girls are whipped!