She weighs 24 lbs. (90th percentile), 30 inches tall (85th percentile) and her head is 18.5 inches (90th percentile). The doctor said she is NOT overweight and there is nothing that we need to change. As long as her percentiles stay within a close range of eachother then she is fine and there is no need to worry. He did say that she will be a "bigger" girl, which he has said before, so I am guessing there must be some truth to it. Since she has surgery next week she could not get her shots today. So it really was a painless visit.
After her doctor's appointment we went to Party City at Easton to get all her birthday party supplies. We are going to do a Hello Kitty theme so I bought a TON of stuff to decorate her b-day party! I know I went way overboard but she only has one first birthday...right?!?!?
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