Thursday, May 31, 2012

Flying with Grandpa Bob

 Yesterday I kept Samantha home from Miss Sara's for a surprise.  She didn't know where we were going or what we were doing but she knew it was something special.  Samantha picked out these very patriotic outfits for them to wear.  (Samantha loves matching her sister!)

 Samantha wanted Natalie to try on her sunglasses!

Samantha was so excited when she found out that we were going flying with Grandpa Bob.  She wanted to sit up front...until half way thru the flight that is. 

 Miss Natalie on her first flight with Grandpa Bob.

 She was just happy to sit on her Momma's lap!

 Samantha that is was so funny that she could hear us talk over the headphones! It wasn't until the flight home that she realized that she could talk into the microphone too!

 Me! I sat in the back with Natalie on the first flight.

 Grandpa Bob and his Co-Pilot!

 We went to Put-In-Bay for lunch!

 Once we landed, Dad rented a golf cart for us to get to lunch.  Samantha and I sat on the back and she thought it was sooooo fun! She kept calling it a Goat (combined Golf and Cart I guess).

 The man of the hour!

 We flew right over Cedar Point Amusement Park.

 And we flew over the Zoombezi Bay / Columbus Zoo.

On the flight home Miss Samantha fell asleep and slept most of the way home.

It was a great adventure! When Samantha went to bed I told her that tomorrow (today) we get to go to T-ball and she said she didn't want to go to T-ball she wanted to go on Grandpa Bob's airplane again. At least she loved it!

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