Monday, November 14, 2011

Samantha's First night in her big girl bed

Saturday evening we returned home and Samantha was able to see and explore her new room. She was extremely excited and very eager to explore and try her new bed out.

While I was a nervous wreck, she actually slept really good Saturday night. Lauren tells me to relax but I don't like her having full access to everything.

Last night, we put her to bed at 8pm and at 10:30 I went to check on her and she was wide awake sitting up in her bed. I asked her if she wanted me to stay with her a while and she said "No Daddy, go away". I left and struggled to fall asleep myself as I was worried about her. She was much happier this morning than I thought she would be after getting less sleep than usual.

We are hoping this is just another transition she will welcome and her Daddy can cope as well without driving himself crazy with worry...

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