Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jeff's new ink!

 Jeff added a "Natalie" bird to his family tattoo.  He also added 2 hearts for the babies we lost.

Jeff got this tattoo while the girls and I were on vacation. It is an anchor with a banner going around it and all our names on the banner. He must really love his girls! And I have to say that out of all of Jeff's tattoos this is my favorite!

Flying with Grandpa Bob

 Yesterday I kept Samantha home from Miss Sara's for a surprise.  She didn't know where we were going or what we were doing but she knew it was something special.  Samantha picked out these very patriotic outfits for them to wear.  (Samantha loves matching her sister!)

 Samantha wanted Natalie to try on her sunglasses!

Samantha was so excited when she found out that we were going flying with Grandpa Bob.  She wanted to sit up front...until half way thru the flight that is. 

 Miss Natalie on her first flight with Grandpa Bob.

 She was just happy to sit on her Momma's lap!

 Samantha that is was so funny that she could hear us talk over the headphones! It wasn't until the flight home that she realized that she could talk into the microphone too!

 Me! I sat in the back with Natalie on the first flight.

 Grandpa Bob and his Co-Pilot!

 We went to Put-In-Bay for lunch!

 Once we landed, Dad rented a golf cart for us to get to lunch.  Samantha and I sat on the back and she thought it was sooooo fun! She kept calling it a Goat (combined Golf and Cart I guess).

 The man of the hour!

 We flew right over Cedar Point Amusement Park.

 And we flew over the Zoombezi Bay / Columbus Zoo.

On the flight home Miss Samantha fell asleep and slept most of the way home.

It was a great adventure! When Samantha went to bed I told her that tomorrow (today) we get to go to T-ball and she said she didn't want to go to T-ball she wanted to go on Grandpa Bob's airplane again. At least she loved it!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

T-Ball...Go Cubs!

Last year we went to watch Grady's last T-Ball game of the season and Samantha was so sad that she could not play.  So we knew this year we would be signing her up to play.  Luckily she is on Grady and Cole (Whitney's son) team!  Once we got there she was only excited to run the bases and less interested in practicing...shocking I know!  Oh and she loved having her hair french braided for T-ball!  My little princess still has to be girly even while playing T-ball!

That's Daddy out there on 1st base!

1st Zoo Day of the Season

 Miss Sara went on vacation so I have had both of the girls with me all day for the past week.  I knew that staying home all day was not an option so Aunt Mandy and I planned a Zoo day with the kids.  Aunt Mandy rangled all 3 kids on the Merry Go Round! See video for live action of this Merry Go Round excitement!

 Samantha and Chase holding hands.  So cute!

 Grady and Samantha checking out the fish in the Brown Bear enclosure.

Miss Samantha!

*Natalie came too but she mostly enjoyed sleeping in the stroller!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Natalie's 2 month check up.

I cannot believe it but Natalie is already 2 Months old. I took her to her check up as soon as we got home from vacation.  She was 11.6 pounds. 90th percentile for head circumference and height and 60th percentile for weight.  Dr. Heiny said she looks GREAT!  And I happen to agree.  I got a couple pictures before she got 3 shots and one oral vaccine.  She cried for just a few minutes and was right back to her normal happy self!

Natalie is 2 months old.

We were on vacation when Miss Natalie turned 2 months old so I had to pack up her "month sign" and take it with us. She was super wiggly during her photo shoot but I was able to snap a few good ones!

Siesta Key Vacation with my girls.

While I am off on maternity leave I decided to take the girls to Florida.  It was a little daunting to think about flying with both girls by myself but it was not as hard as I thought it would be.  On the plan ride down Natalie slept the whole flight in the Bijorn and Samantha and I played with the iPad.  We took the infra-red pictures with my iPad!

Once we landed and got our luggage we were off to Siesta Key.  Unfortunately I left Samantha's carry on luggage in the parking garage at the airport and drove off.  After calling the airport multiple times they said they found it and we were able to pick it up on our way back to Ohio.  I thought Samantha would really miss her new princess luggage but she didn't skip a beat when she walked into Grams house and saw all the new toys she could play with.
We had to get up super early for our flight to Tampa so as soon as we got to Gram's, Samantha went down for a quick nap.
"Daddy's Sweetest Catch"
Natalie is my little sleeper, just like her Momma!
After Church on Sunday we went out to eat. And Samantha fell asleep in the car on the way home.  Mom and I could always tell immediately when Samantha would fall asleep b/c it was then, and only then, that she would stop talking :)
I love for the girls to match or coordinate.  Samantha wore a dress with the same colors to Church.
Mom and Samantha tried out the kayak in the pool!  Samantha thought it was her personal boat.
Natalie likes being indoors more than out and would stay inside and happily watch the fan go round.
Since I never have the opportunity to eat outside on the water we made it our goal to only find places on the water.  Here was our view at The Boatyard right off the South Bridge to Siesta Key. They had live music playing and Samantha really liked dancing with all the adults.
Gram got the girls "Princess" crowns and Samantha thought it was so cool that they both got one! Poor Natalie does not have any hair to keep hers on though.
My beautiful beautiful princess.  In fact, when we went to The Boatyard for dinner this little old man walked all the way down a flight of stairs just to tell us how beautiful Samantha was. And he could hardly walk so he must have really wanted to see her up close. Even the waiter saw all this happen and could not believe this old man would trek all the way to us to just see Samantha.  But the truth is, this happens ALL the time. People cannot resist blue eyed, curly haired and dimpled little girls!
Mom told me about this little beach that Nick and Mandy really liked so we tried it out too.  It is a public beach but it is small and not very many people go to it.  there are some shade trees where we could park Natalie for her siesta's.
Last time Samantha was in Florida she HATED the sand. She is still not fond of it but will quickly walk thru it to get to the ocean which she LOVES.
Rough life!
My Super cute beach babe.

Samantha and Gram liked making "tacos" with big leafs and seaweed.

Natalie woke up just long enough to check out her surroundings.

I don't know why but salt water does amazing things to Samantha hair. Look at her soft curls!
Mom got Samantha a hair towel just like mine and she thought she was hot stuff being like Mommy.
Keeping up with our "dining on the water plan" we hit up Marina Jack's in Sarasota. I was able to get a few great pictures of Samantha and Natalie.
I LOVE this picture, and having had a c-section 8 weeks ago it is a miracle I like any pictures with me in them.
Being goofy!
Samantha loves to rock Natalie when she is in her carseat.  Good thing Natalie likes it too ;)
Natalie's first visit to Marina Jack's!
Natalie sitting in Samantha's princess chair.
Last time I was in Florida I put together this Dora bike but she was too small to ride it.  This time though she had it all figured out.
Off she goes...
Natalie even had a good time watching her sister ride her Dora bike.
For Mother Day I went to Ellenton Outlet Mall and bought my first pair of Ray-Bans. So happy :)
After a hard day of shopping Samantha fell asleep in the car mid-bite.  Notice her hand is still in the french fry container!
Mom had various pool floats and Samantha enjoyed trying them all out.  Even Dora liked this one:)
Miss Natalie lounging.
The rough life of an 8 week old illustrated here.
We went to Spanish Pointe for dinner and sat at a picnic table right out on the Inter coastal. Talk about a view and a beautiful sunset.
Gram and Samantha watching the sunset.
Samantha loved walking up an down this dock.
When ever I see the sun making rays thru the cloud I always thing of my Mamaw. So when I snapped this picture and the sun made rays thru Natalie's car seat I couldn't help but think that my Mamaw up in heaven was shining down on Natalie. 
My sweet happy girl!
Dee, Tara, Nolan, Mom, Samantha, Natalie and I took a boat ride out to Palm Island Resort for lunch. Samantha loves riding on boats so this was a blast for her.
Gram and Samantha on the boat ride.
Natalie was not too sure about her first boar ride. She looked a little scared.
Dee and Tina made Tara and I go take some pictures just like when were kids! At least they turned out cute! And Samantha was just obsessed with Nolan. She will still ask me about him every once in awhile.
View from our table at Palm Island Resort.
Samantha got some sand in her shoe and demanded to be carried!
Samantha and Nolan...buddies forever.
Tara, Dee and Mr. Nolan. Nolan was outnumbered 6:1
Enjoying the boat ride home :)
One day when we were laying out to dry off a squirrel came up to the pool for a little drink.  He had to hang onto the side of the pool by his hind legs!
A really cute picture of Miss Samantha getting ready to go to the beach.
My little swimmer fish out there floating in the ocean.
"When God Made Me He Was Just Showing Off" ~ Siesta Key
(I actually bought this outfit for Samantha when she was a baby but it never fit her so Natalie got to be the first one to wear it.)
My "always happy unless I am sleepy" girl.
Good Morning!
We tried to take the girls to Myakka State Park to ride the air boat but it was full by the time we got there so we came back to Sarasota and went on La Barge instead. Natalie was not in a great mood for most of the trip b/c she was tired, but the rest of us had fun.
Getting ready to leave the dock!
Checking out the world around her!
All smiles.
Natalie and I on La Barge.
As soon as we got loaded up in the car Samantha fell fast asleep. Tired girl.
Samantha and I all clean and dressed up for dinner.
Gram loved swinging Samantha out on the tree swing. And Samantha loved it too!

Gram got the girls matching outfits and we decided to have them wear them on the flight home. Samantha just loves matching her sister!
When we got to the airport at 9 AM we got thru security and found out that our flight was delayed 7+ hours. This little foam like airplane was the only entertainment Samantha had. And her suitcase which we retrieved from Lost & Found. It was one really long day, especially when you are so excited to get home and see your husband.
Gram and Natalie passed the time by taking a long nap!
Natalie waiting to go home to her Daddy.

On the flight home Samantha got a window seat. / And here is a short video of Samantha going underwater!